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Watershed Improvement District Special Election

The special election to form the Watershed Improvement District is upon us. Ballots will be mailed Oct 26, and will be due back on Nov 24. The SVPA is hosting a community forum to educate landowners on the process to form the WID, and to provide an opportunity to learn more about the Commissioner Candidates.

WID Community Forum
Monday, November 2
Sno-Valley Senior Center
4610 Stephens Avenue, downtown Carnation
7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Candidates will be on hand to answer questions. Also in attendance will be water law and district expert Attorney Bill Clarke.

Read the candidates’ statements by clicking the buttons below their name.

Jim Abram   read statement

David Andrews   read statement

Mathew Benson   read statement

David Casey   read statement

Siri Erickson-Brown   read statement

Patrick McGlothlin   read statement

Gary Remlinger   read statement

Jason Roetcisoender   read statement