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Monitoring & Collaboration

Tall Chief

By Monitoring & Collaboration

SVPA Helps Stop Tall Chief Development

The Tall Chief project sought to develop eighteen homes on the site of the old Tall Chief golf course. With the assistance from hydrological engineering consultant Dr. Ed McCarthy, and attorney Charlie Klinge, the Snoqualmie Valley Preservation Alliance appealed the project based on the concern that it would make flooding worse and harm the Valley’s rural character. The Alliance was the lone dissenting voice during the public comment session two years ago. Had the Alliance not intervened at that time, the suburban residential project would have been approved.

Fortunately, the appeal process bought much-needed time, enabling King County Councilmember Kathy Lambert and County Executive Dow Constantine, who share the Alliance’s goal of preserving our precious remaining farmland, to get involvevd. Ultimately, the County purchased the property, and transferred the development rights from Tall Chief to Seattle’s South Lake Union area.

Click here to see the KING 5 news coverage